29 Jul - 30 Jul 2002 Reggio Calabria

Mediterranean Sea
Southern Ionian Sea
Italian Republic
Strait of Messina
Reggio Calabria
Town Harbour
SY "Kamu II" alongside the town pier.

Click below for a bird's-eye view of our harbour berth:

Click here for a summary of this year's travels:
2002 Map

Spotting some very big harbour rats that live around the warehouses of the waterfront in this grimy harbour on the toe of the Italian peninsula boot which are even mentioned in the official nautical pilot books.

Refuelling with 150 litres of diesel fuel for € 0.89 per litre at a ramshackle Sicilian fuel jetty about 2 nm N of Messina, dodging the numerous ferries and trying to leave the dangerous waters and the perils of the whirlpools (much recorded in Greek myth and legend) of the Strait of Messina between Sicily and Italy behind us as quickly as possible.